book cover
Kim (Illustrated by J. Lockwood Kipling)
Author: Rudyard Kipling
Published: 2010-05-08
Publisher: Durrant Publishing
ISBN: 9781905946143
Format: ebook
Pages: 379
File size (e-book): 1.5 MB
Chosen by: Nancy
Meeting: 2018-05-07 (meeting #16)

Kimball (Kim) O'Hara is an Irish orphan who makes his living by begging and working small jobs on the streets of Lahore in colonial India during the late nineteenth century.  When Kim encounters a Tibetan lama who is seeking to free himself from the Wheel of Things, Kim decides to join the lama’s journey, but soon finds himself thrust into the "Great Game" – a world of international conflict between Russia and Britain.

This text of this edition is taken from the 1937 ‘Sussex’ edition, which contained the last corrections and revisions to the text that Kipling made before his death in 1936.

Hyperlinks have been added to and from a glossary page containing all the words Kipling defined, and also many of the other foreign or unusual words to be found in the text.

This edition has typographical quotes and dashes, italic text correctly used for emphasis and good formatting of poetry, chapter headings and paragraphs.  It also features illustrations by J. Lockwood Kipling, Rudyard Kipling’s father.