book cover
How to Stop Time
Author: Matt Haig
Published: 2017-07-06
Publisher: Canongate Books Ltd.
ISBN: 9781782118633
Format: ebook
Pages: 324
File size (e-book): 469 KB
Chosen by: Nikki
Meeting: 2019-06-03 (meeting #29)

Tom Hazard has a dangerous secret. He may look like an ordinary 41-year-old, but he was born in 1581. Owing to a rare condition, he's been alive for centuries. From Shakespeare's England to jazz age Paris and voyaging the Pacific, Tom has seen a lot, and now craves an ordinary life.

Always changing his identity to stay alive, Tom now has the perfect cover - working as a history teacher at a London school. Here, he can teach the kids about wars and witch hunts as if he'd never witnessed them first-hand. He can try and tame the past that is fast catching up with him. The only thing Tom mustn't do is fall in love.

How to Stop Time is a wild, bittersweet, time-travelling, story about losing and finding yourself; about the certainty of change, and the mistakes humans are doomed to repeat.

And about the lifetimes it can take to learn how to live.