A Fine Balance
Author: Rohinton Mistry
Published: 2010-10-29
Publisher: McClelland & Stewart
ISBN: 9781551991382
Format: ebook
Pages: 628
File size (e-book): 2.4 MB
Chosen by: Gwen
Meeting: FBC Recommended R2.012

A Fine Balance, Rohinton Mistry’s stunning internationally acclaimed bestseller, is set in mid-1970s India.  It tells the story of four unlikely people whose lives come together during a time of political turmoil soon after the government declares a “State of Internal Emergency.”  Through days of bleakness and hope, their circumstances – and their fates – become inextricably linked in ways no one could have foreseen.  Mistry’s prose is alive with enduring images and a cast of unforgettable characters.  Written with compassion, humour, and insight, A Fine Balance is a vivid, richly textured, and powerful novel written by one of the most gifted writers of our time.