book cover
Arthur & George
Author: Julian Barnes
Published: 2006-01
Publisher: Alfred A. Knopf
ISBN: 9780307264664
Format: ebook
Pages: 385
File size (e-book): 1.2 MB
Chosen by: Tom
Meeting: 2020-04-06 (meeting #39)

Arthur & George is based on the true story of two men. One is Arthur Conan Doyle, the other is George Edalji, a solicitor from Birmingham. Their nineteenth-century lives are worlds and miles apart, until a series of shocking events brings them together. In dubious circumstances, George is found guilty of harming animals and is sentenced to seven years' penal servitude, a future of ignominious obscurity. However, when Arthur, who is now one of the most famous men in the land as creator of Sherlock Holmes, hears of this racist miscarriage of justice he decides to clear George's name. Told against the backdrop of Arthur's family life, his own passionate affair with the woman who was to become the second Lady Conan Doyle and his wife's lengthy battle with TB, this extraordinary novel is a dazzling exercise in detection.